Intent and Implementation
At Town Field Primary School, we believe that music is an integral part of the curriculum. Through incorporation of the TF10, we want our children to be reflective and expressive musicians, developing their own appreciation of music through the opportunities we provide as a school.
We promote a real love of music throughout school, and all of our children are encouraged and given the opportunity to learn at least one musical instrument. Our inclusive ethos places real importance upon the value of learning a musical instrument for all, and many pupils are also offered individual instrumental lessons from Doncaster Music Service peripatetic staff.
Children are encouraged to showcase their talents and perform as part of our celebration assemblies. We are fortunate that a number of staff at Town Field play musical instruments and are able to share their own learning journeys and enjoyment, thus enabling children to see first-hand the benefits and joy that music can bring.
Through our music lessons, children are actively involved in a wide range of musical opportunities. Children develop their singing voices, using body percussion and whole body actions, and learn to handle and play classroom instruments effectively to create and express their own and others’ music.
Through a range of whole class, group and individual activities, children have opportunities to explore sounds, listen actively, compose and perform.
We deliver the National Curriculum for music and enrich our Music curriculum with many opportunities for children to perform and develop a wide range of skills both inside and outside of the classroom such as music workshops, key stage and whole school singing delivered by in-school specialists, working with theatre companies and performing within the choir.
Our community links and strong relationships with music and theatre companies continues to enhance our core offer for children at Town Field.
In recent years we have taken part in the Doncaster Sing Out concert, performed as part of a mass choir in the Doncaster Minster Christmas Service and joined Opera North on stage at CAST Theatre. We have celebrated our diverse cultural heritage and written songs based on this with a local singer/songwriter.
We are a Music Mark School. This is in recognition of our commitment to offering and delivering a broad and balanced music curriculum.
As a school we use Charanga to deliver our music curriculum and children in years 3 and 4 are taught by our First Access peripatetic specialist music teachers. Our music curriculum is in line with the recommendations outlined in the Model Music Curriculum. The MMC provides teaching and learning guidance for the Music National Curriculum,
The skill progression document runs alongside our choice of music scheme to ensure that objectives are built on from one year to the next. This allows for consistent musical development across EYFS and the national curriculum.
Charanga includes many examples of music styles and genres from different times and places. Children have the opportunity to listen to, appraise, compose and perform and in doing so, have a greater understanding of different contexts and genres.
During music lessons, children are given the opportunities to learn music specific vocabulary in a meaningful context. They are able to collaborate and apply skills through composition and performance activities.
Our work with the local music service offers whole class drumming and ukulele lessons. Children also take part in weekly singing assemblies and are able to join our school choirs.
We have strong links with Doncaster Arts community and Opera North and have been involved in a number of projects.
As music is a practical subject, assessment may be done by focusing on a small group at a time. Observations during lessons, group and individual discussions and teacher/self-evaluation against the progression document will also support outcomes.
Evidence of work may be captured by children’s individual responses or the class floor book. Children are assessed against the age related expectations in line with the national curriculum.